Image of a dandelion clock to illustrate counselling and hypnotherapy in Plymouth with Carolyn Gillan

Stop smoking hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is used by people worldwide to help them stop smoking and quit for good. It offers a safe, effective and quick way to help you stop smoking.

Hypnosis works by helping to prepare your subconscious mind for success. You’ll still need some motivation and commitment to quit but you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised with how much easier you find it.

Most people stop smoking immediately after the session. Occasionally, it can take a few days to kick in. When this happens, people notice that they’re just not enjoying smoking anymore and the habit soon falls away.

Of course, nothing works for everyone all of the time, there are always exceptions, but if you’re really committed to becoming a non-smoker there’s every chance that it’ll work for you.

How many sessions will I need?

The Stop Smoking session is a one-off session that lasts approximately 90 minutes to 2 hours.

Facts about smoking

The British Medical Association (BMA) states that in England:

  • “An estimated 15.8% of adults in the UK now smoke (17.7% of men and 14.1% of women). This is down from 20% in 2010.
  • Every year there are approximately 100,000 deaths in the UK from diseases caused by smoking.”

Whilst smoking is on the decline, it is still a leading cause of death and disease in the UK. Smoking costs the NHS each year an estimated £2.7 billion. Sick leave and lost productivity cost the UK economy around £2.5 billion a year. Not only is it expensive to smoke, it is costing the UK a fortune too!

Benefits of stopping smoking

Despite popular belief, it’s a myth that smoking helps to reduce stress. In fact research studies show us that people’s stress levels are lower after they have given up smoking. So not only will you gain many health benefits and more money in your pocket, you will feel more relaxed too when you stop smoking.

Health improvements when you stop smoking

  • By the first 3 months your:
    • blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal
    • carbon monoxide levels in your blood drop to normal and oxygen levels increase to normal
    • chance of a heart attack is decreased
    • nerve endings start to regrow and your smell and taste improves
    • circulation improves, walking and other exercise becomes easier and your lung function increases by up to one-third
  • By the first 9 months:
    • your lung capacity can increase by up to 10%
    • your energy levels increase overall
    • Coughing, sinus problems, tiredness and shortness of breath all improve
  • Within 10 years your risk of lung cancer is the same as for a non-smoker and the risk of other cancers decreases.
  • After 10 – 15 years your risk of heart disease is the same as someone who does not smoke.